It's no dumber or less game-breaking than "seeker" grenades and Arcblading for a full minute and a half.
They -blam!-ed this game up with the Supers. Of all the bad ideas they chose to put in this game, [b]that[/b] has to be the absolute the worst.
I'm inclined to agree. The fundamental nature of supers in this game is just inherently imbalanced, at least for PvP. I'm starting to think that the Crucible was a last minute addition or something. Because while the supers are fine for PvE, they don't work too well in a competitive PvP setting.
It looks like they had a bunch of ideas, a bunch of "yes" men, split into teams, and went to work without concern about how the different pieces would work as a whole. It came together and they made the push for cash, assuming they could "fix it" later.