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originally posted in: Fist of Panic is OP
Edited by Senpai Cactus: 1/21/2015 8:27:35 AM
You say fist of panic is op, but hunters are more op. They have gunslinger. One shot kill with an almost super accurate hipfire. You have 3 shots (unless you have the exotic helmet which you will have 4). You can't miss unless you can't aim at all. Which make no sense, because everybody should have experience with an fps before. Now let's get to the bladedancer. It can kill an entire team with no problem. The super last a long time too. Don't say bladedancers are easy to kill just use a shotgun to kill them. First of all if you use a shotgun in crucible you are not good at all (shotguns are usually one shot so op). Second of all sometimes hunters are to fast to even kill them with shotguns. Titans fist of havoc are limited in getting kills. Unless there are bunch of people grouped up you won't see a titan getting that much kills. Hunters on the other hand can usually get 3 or 4 kills if they are a gunslinger. If you can't get that many kills with a golden gun that just means you are not really good at aiming which makes you bad (because who can't aim a gun). Also bladedancers are op. If deny bladedancers are op its probably because you are a bladedancer.

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  • Lol you just can't kill blade dancers because you suck, and it's very hard to get kills with blade dancer, unless everybody is bunched up. Every time we slash we lose super energy, it's runs out very quickly in relation to the size of the map and the people gliding up into the air to run away

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  • Wow, talk about nooby arguments XD Shotguns op? They have horrible range which u can avoid full damage even up close. Slow players die to shotguns. Period U don't talk about ease of use at all? Why not? Gg has practically no extra defense in super so i rush them to kill them as they're vulnerable Bders, have no ranged retaliation and can be taken down no problem by 2 players or 1 if he's good at timing. Hunter supers are very situational especially bd, its not as u claim where they "always" go on a killing spree. Its almost a death upon activating it so it requires tactical use, if a room gets torn up by 1, they're awful players who have no sense to talk about balance. Foh is panicked, its known as such for a reason with high ease of use compared to all other supers...

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  • Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 1/22/2015 4:18:48 AM
    Yeah no he was right. Most shotguns have ridiculous range and to say otherwise is just wrong. And ease of use? In my like 300+ hours of destiny I've only ever seen golden gun or blade dancer not get at least 3 kills if they were activated at the absolutely worst time and the hunter sucks, which I'm guessing is where you fall with you thinking it's not the most simple super to use. They are ohk and let you become a mobile killing machine whereas titans have to slam the ground immediately in front of them to do anything and average maybe 1-2 kills per super with 2+ kills being if you are lucky enough to surprise people at a control point and not get gunned down simply getting close enough., and the other class for titans just lays down a bubble soooo, yeah easiest to use lol. Good joke

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  • It's cute when people think hunters are OP. Makes me laugh. Also, as a pure striker titan, I even think that fist of havoc has a MASSIVE vertical blast.

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  • Yeah its meant to have an aoe blast. Let's take the only class without a mobile super and make it so not only can they only use their super within a 10 foot radius but it only hits people on the ground.

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  • That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying when I fist of havoc I should not be killing people two stories above me. There does need to be a vertical radius. But not that much. It is way, way to high.

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  • Ok there is very little in this game and especislly in crucible that puts you two stories above someone and I've definitely had people jump over my fist of havoc, or fell of a ledge doing it and slammed the ground below them and missed. Besides so what if it hits vertically? Like I said it's the only class without a super that let's you move around with it so why shouldn't it kill everything in its aoe path

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  • There's plenty of opportunities. We all know the vertical blast is too high. There is no argument about it. A mobile super is not necessarily a good one, and when someone is a story above me and jumps when I fist of havoc, they [b]should not die[/b]. It's as simple as that. I never said take it away. I'm saying tweak it alittle, because I'm quite positive iv gotten way more kills than I should with it.

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  • No lol it really doesn't need tweaked unless we can take my ideas for tweaking the supers that let you move so golden gun can't shoot above horizontal, blade dancer can't fly anymore and sunslinger forces you to walk

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  • Just saw you have only titans. Lol conversation was over before it started. If you would like to debate again make one of each. Max all sub classes, and come back. Otherwise your input on other supers is null and void

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  • Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 1/22/2015 12:54:36 PM
    Yeah exact my roommate is a warlock and has been since the beginning of the game and ive played and watched him play anytime seeing as his room is 8 feet from mine and my brother has a hunter who I've played multiple times and watched him play multiple times and both will admit that it's easy to wreck in crucible with those classes sooo nice try man, Just because I have things to do outside destiny and like to play a titan doesn't make my opinion any less valid than someone with 3 different classes

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  • Lol. Your defense you watch someone play? Hahahaha? Try again man. I said dont reply till you have all three classes. I don't see any changes.

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  • Haha you just sound like a desperate jackass now who didn't even read my reply and just wants to try to prove himself right. I said I played both those characters multiple times and I dont see how me watching my roommate, whose first and only fps other than destiny was left 4 dead 2, wreck in the crucible is any different from me taking the controller and doing the same thing, so yeah man nice arguments. When I decide to drop out or go back to high school and get sll that time back I'll hit you up with my 3 separate characters lol

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  • Got work like a real man Lemmie know when you can actually play all 3 types. Other than that see you in the crucible for then easy wins.

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  • Lol why would making 3 classes prove anything. I like my titan and I have played the other ones and that's fine for me.

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  • Lol. I'm out of college and have 3. Life argument doesn't work. And I don't understand why you think I didn't read. Your playing a progressed character. [b]make a character and level yourself[/b]. You'll see what I mean. Your last post just proved how ignorant you are. No class is OP. It's the player. FOH just needs a tweak. That's it. I don't even understand how you defend it's vertical height. Just... Damn. The ignorance.

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  • Bevause every other super has just as much vertical range or mobility. That's how

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  • I have killed many blade dancers with pretty much every type of attack. It's not hard. I've also killed many Titans mid FoH and many lock mid nova. Just land your attacks it's not hard.

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  • Gunslinger can kill a whole team if they're bunched together and have combustion

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  • Definitely not OP when it comes to all around characters. Let me tell you why: Grenades - Titan's have a grenade that can take out a whole room. Has 3-5 pulses. The Magnetic grenade actually kills. Hunter's have an incendiary grenade that can potentially kill, if it doesn't bounce away from the target. Tripmine is good, but has to be placed well to get a kill. Other grenade sucks. Melee: Titan's have a one hit melee. Hunter's don't, unless you have perks to make it stronger, and only in certain situations. Throwing knife doesn't get us a kill. Even with burn. Super: Titan's have an automatic kill. FoH will kill anybody around you when you use it. The radius is great, it acts as your grenade, and the height is higher than you can jump. Pressing two buttons together net you auto kills without aiming, they just have to be in your wide area of effect. Also a panic kill, once you get hurt you just use it and bam, whatever damaged you gets killed. You also are virtually indestructible during FoH. You will never be popped by a Golden Gun because you live after one bullet, so the Golden Gun is not OP. Hunters: Golden Gun animation is long enough to get killed by any gun upon activation. So you have to use it out of sight. Also, you don't get an additional defense bonus, so anybody with heavy can kill you when you kill them. Stops the 3-4 kill streak. If you try to 2/3v1 anybody you will lose with Golden Gun. If you use Golden Gun too early to prevent those situations above- you can activate it out of sight- but not get the kills you want. And did I mention you still need to aim and shoot? You CAN miss long range shots pretty easy. And missing doesn't necessarily mean you suck. So we have to think before activating our super or else it WILL be wasted. Yours will NEVER be wasted unless you get hit by a sniper across the map and you panic smash with nobody around you. Otherwise you'll always get a kill once you see somebody is right in front of you.

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  • Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 1/22/2015 4:25:27 AM
    Yeah titans do not have a one hit melee unless they've been sprinting at you (which requires a perk) in which case that's your fault for not noticing..same thing with their grenades...since you know they have 3-5 pulses (which also requires a perk) why would you just run blindly into them. Hunters have 2 one hit kill grenades in Flux grenade or whatever helm the tracking sticky is, and trip mine which is not hard at all to hit someone with. And they have a one hit melee..and and long range melee. And golden gun is easy as hell to use. I had never played a hunter before in my time with this gsme, hopped on my brothers account and had multiple 10+ kill streaks by either just going invisible or just popping blade dancer or golden gun when I got in trouble and receiving 4 free kills since I don't have absolutely horrible so good joke man

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  • Edited by Ken Rocker: 1/22/2015 5:12:12 PM
    Uhh so much wrong here. The hunter homing grenade can't kill shit. And the melee usually can't kill anyone either - especially not a Titan with all the bs extra shield crap they have. All hunter supers are avoidable, and / or you can gun them down before they can even get it off.

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  • Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 1/22/2015 5:21:37 PM
    Lol yeah because all the times I've been stuck by the homing sticky was what, a fluke? Same with the times I've played a hunter and done the same? And the only way you don't kill someone with a ohk golden gun or the blade dancer is if you suck or have no strategy and activate while someone is actively shooting at you. Nice try though man oh and you nean thay titan shield thay only activates when we kill someone? As opposed to the warlock one which triggers simply on melee lol. Hunters have blink strike to close distance, a long range knife, and a ohk melee from behind so yeah haha

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  • First off, we have a radar. You know when to sprint. And mostly every melee fight starts when somebody is sprinting, almost every body sprints most of the time so don't act like that's a strategic thing. The Flux grenade sucks, you need damage on them to be able to kill. The best grenade is incendiary but it needs to be really close to the target to kill and since it bounces you can't be that accurate. The trip mine is nowhere near the pulse grenade. I stick mine on the wall, someone has to run past it to die, and you can see it. Yours goes on the wall, it kills the whole room. The range is amazing. It is really easy to die with Golden Gun, especially to a FoH. No defense boost. Nice try.

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  • Edited by Thr0ckmorton: 1/22/2015 11:32:29 AM
    Lol no, nobody sprints everywhere unless theg want to die, anyone who plays an fps knows that is ridiculous unless you want to get shot down in a gunfight and they especially don't do it when someone already had visual context of you. to claim titans are OP because they can perk to have a melee is stupid, bungie makes shoulder charge 2 hit and it becomes the most useless skill out there. And I didn't necessarily.mean Flux I meant whatever the hunter version of the tracking sticky grenade is because yes, that is one hit kill. And no you throw tripmine on someone and it will kill them one hit so titans have...shoulder charge..1 ohk whereas hunters have 3 between there grenades and blink strike and and also have a throwing knife which deals most all of a players health and puts a burn on them and also is long range. You really have no leg to stand on and call other classes OP in pvp when you play a hunter. And if you're getting killed by FoH while in golden gun then you're using golden gun wrong and have no room to complain

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