It said not satire, I read the first line that was all I cared to read. Don't see how my lack of desire to read an entire topic that was labeled as not satire and started off with a whiny bitchy line when there are 500 other topics bitching about the IB means I'm gullible but w/e floats your boat there buddy..
If the first line was all you cared to read, then it was I'll advised to comment on it, because now you just look like a fool. #satire #notsatire #uhohwhichoneisit #ithastobeonebecuse #HASHTAGSAREALWAYSTRUE #2+2=5 < true story, hashtag confirmed.
If the tag said not satire, and the first like is bitching damn straight I don't care to read the whole thing, there is too damn much crying on these forums to read every post fully. BTW I don't much care how I look to random people online that I'll never know and will never impact my life, I don't you are over estimating your importance to me. Hastag that bitch ;)