I'm pretty sure they can tell when the same person who never disconnects from the server all of a sudden disconnects 15 times in a row just as Crota drops to his knees, weeping like a child, as he knows he will never stand again....
Ok yea... same person at the same point in the game every time getting to said point is suspicious. Smarter cheesers would rotate or find a random to do it for them
I don't know if Bungie is gonna go as far as ban people for cheesing Crota like that (I really hope they wouldn't do that) but after seeing the mass banning they did to all those people who got the ghost, it wouldn't surprise me....
I heard that was all about modded consoles... the banhammer is swinging strong on that much I know
From what I read on here when the whole thing was going down, the majority of the people had given their logging information to someone who was selling the ghost, he would then log onto their accounts (from his modded system) and put the Ghosts on their accounts....