Your position is completely understandable, but I do think that, in the interest of time, an exploit can be taken advantage of for times sake.
Me and some of my clan members beat Crota legitimately on Monday night, we started the raid Friday night and it took us almost 12 hours total but it was done right with no video walkthroughs or outside help of any kind, a "blind" run if you will.
Without any exploit, we made it back to Crota that same Monday night in 30 minutes and got stuck due to us using our secondary classes. Last night we beat the raid using every exploit listed in the OP, not because we don't want to play the game the way it was meant to be played but because of time, we do [i]all[/i] there is to do in this game, we love this game (flaws not withstanding).
When Bungie patches all these exploits (and they most definitely will), we will simply continue doing the raid legitimately. We don't use the exploits because we can't beat the raid the right way, we've proven we can, we've also proven we can in an hour or two.
When the VoG was patched we ran it on hard mode the following week and cleared it, all legitimate. I'm sure that when Bungie fixes this raid it will be no different.
I think it's fair to direct your anger towards the people who use these exploits because they are horrible players that can't do it the right way, but saying anyone who does this is a "noob" is totally not accurate.
Blind runs or learning runs will always take a long time. Once you know what to do, the raid is very short. I really don't see why people want to use cheeses or exploits to make a 40min run any faster. Is 40mins too long for people? Sometimes the fights takes just as long as doing it legit when you're sitting there wondering how to get an cheese works. I've sat with strangers in groups for many minutes while they explained wut the cheese was about when we coulda just finished the encounter right there and then. I'm not calling people noob at all. We're adults here (hopefully)
I guess I was generalizing so apologies for that. But spending time doing a legitimate run may in fact take 40 minutes but an exploited one can take around half that [i]and[/i] it's guaranteed. In a legitimate run you always have the chance that someone messes up in their role.