Definitely weekly/nightfall matchmaking. I'ved asked people in the Tower only to be ignored. Posted on the forums only to have unreliable people respond. Half ignore my invites and the other half are useless. Heck got two guys to join me for nightfall yesterday and they were useless. One kept charging into the mobs only to die over and over and the other spent alot of time dancing. Why can't I get decent teamplayers not Rambo or Kevin Bacon? For anyone who argues matchmaking runs the risk of getting putting together with useless randoms I can say the samething about looking for teammates yourself.
Are you still looking for teammates to dothe nightfall strike with? If so I`d be happy to join you in completing the strike. I`m on the xbox one and my GT is NL Helix. My titan is lvl 28.
Sorry, I'm on PS3 :(