originally posted in:Spears of Destiny
Waaaaaaah everyone needs to stop bitching about the Mytho. All you guys see is when you read the patch is 34% decrease. Obviously Bungie is smart and did research and balanced it. Jesus Christ it's not like there gonna make it worse than any other exotic it's still gonna be a super good guns it's perks are still amazing duhhrr. Just cause you get your stoopid unfair advantage taken away in PvP your gonna sell the game. Smh. We all know your just waiting for CoD anyway. So good evidence to all you cryasses. You'll have plenty to whine about once that comes out anyway. Same shit different cover and title.
You my friend are a virus and seek to poison the system.
It's not supposed to be balanced with other weapons you -blam!-ing retard.
Yea but it's also not supposed to be able to kill anyone in 2-3 bullets it's stoopid OP. I think it's hilarious and laugh at everyone butthurt about it. We all know your all just mad cause now you actually need skill in PvP. Awwwwww the poor baby's. Coming from a long time halo player that prefers balance. Suck it crybaby :) I keeps it reals.
Actually it is. It is (more like was) the best gun in the game and was deserving of it. We are butthurt because yes it was a little OP but not that you have to decrease it a third of its damage. It's not the gun it's the players. Learn to adapt to new things. I've had many people kill me easily in 1v1 mid range even though i own the gun. You can still have a powerful weapon but what makes it good is how it is used. You are the type of people that ruin a game that was made mostly for PvE. You PvP players cry too much because of a gun that did slightly better than another exotic weapon. Grow up and stop ruining the game for everyone
Dude, this is all a result of your butthurt. The gun is not broken. Crucible is. If you want to get rid of the weed, you've got to pull it from the roots, not trim the leaves. A vanilla crucible for the PvPers would fix all of the problems. It's hilarious that you QQ for a nerf, then call me a crybaby for calling you what you are. Idiots like you are really, really going to destroy this game. That's a bummer.
Good good just let the butthurt continue to flow through you :)
No some of us are annoyed because we don't give two shits about PvP. But because of yours and many others whining about OP weapons because you got outplayed it is hurting the PvE side of things. This nerf came from PvP whiners and it directly effects the weapon in PvE when this weapon was made specifically for PvE raids.
Butthurt butthurt butthurt waaaaaaaah! Deal with it. Lol
Cute kid.
Lol kid he says. Yep that's why I'm 24 and at work right now meaning no matter how much you cry I think your gun nerf is funny indeed. Butthurt all around. You guys just can't enjoy a game for what it is. Great gameplay and graphics and sure a shit story so far but even I know that's what expansions are ment for. And yet you all bitch about that to. Well since I have a job DLC isn't a issue I'll be happy to buy it cause I love this game :) soooo continue with your butthurt.
Glad you had to justify yourself. Bet you feel so much better now. That entire post just showed everything everyone needed to know about how much your posts are worth. Have fun with your pvp whining about OP guns.
Thanks bro. I try real hard. Also you can't see me but I'm flexing right now. Lmfao. Jk but seriously. I play PvP maybe 20% of the time? Haha
I never whined about it. I've never been killed by it haha. Only time I seen it was a guy was on my team with it. Either way 85% of the ppl who own it just glitches for it. And claim they earned it haha. Check this out. It's all the -blam!-s I give ==>
"Your stoopid unfair advantage". Enough said.