originally posted in:Spears of Destiny
I agree 100% i feel this update will most likely bring the number of players down a'lot. I don't wish to see Destiny die. Nerfing the auto rifle and vex I feel isn't needed just release armor that can counter it and as for the Scout rifles buff them as needed same for others if the weapons where made to feel op leave them that way just make something better to combat it.
Everyone can tell auto rifle is overpowered. The only people AR users die to is other AR users really. You can say you die to other weapons, but that is only from flanks and such. Plus 90% of destiny uses AR. AR is meant to be a spray gun. It isnt meant to be able to snipe a scout rifle and such. Stability for ARs are suppose to be low as well as their ability to flinch should be low. Yet they dominate every gun in every situation. Toe to Toe ARs will always win. Now maybe most of the AR users will try some other gun.
I can tell you that I am not normally a gamer. I don't really like gaming that much. The only game I really ever played was black ops an I loved that game! And then I tried destiny... I absolutely love this game and have played it way more than I ever thought I would play a game. I have been trying my damnedest to get high enough level to go do the raid with my clan and now bungie is going to take away the fun of the game. You work as hard as you can (sometimes for mindless hours that make me like a zombie for work the next day) all to get the one gun that isn't even going to be worth the time I have been spending in leveling my gear and character. I hope I haven't wasted my life in playing this game. What makes it fun is doing all the hard stuff to get the best stuff in the game! And now if I can find it anywhere in the game and it's crap when I finally do find it what's the point in playing and working my hurt off for the hard stuff anymore. I can go back to duty and have the same amount of fun as this new "patch" will make the game. Hopefully coming from someone who isn't really a gamer and have found a love in gaming because of this game maybe will make a difference if not I've wasted my time an effort for the best stuff (which I don't even have yet but am still trying my damnedest to get) there will be no more point in playing. Duty here I come!!!