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originally posted in: Destiny has no black hair styles
9/2/2014 3:05:12 AM
You not only have no -blam!-ing idea what you're talking about but you are un-blam!-ingbelievably pathetic as a human being. Not only does none of that exist but it's actually the total opposite. Blacks get far more opportunities & free shit from the government but the large majority of them don't give a shit about working hard for what they have and would rather milk the government tit than work hard and make a good life for their family. There are literally millions upon millions of blacks that were born into adverse/bad circumstance (at the fault of their parents) and worked hard, didn't do/sell drugs, got good jobs & got the -blam!- out of those circumstances so their children could have better lives. Crying racist everytime your lazy ass doesn't get what you think you're entitled to doesn't make it anymore real. Try living in a time when it actually was horrible & a struggle to be black. You're a -blam!-ing worthless waste of life & you're keeping the culture alive

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