You don’t see being a streamer with hundreds of people watching you play, all scouring /r/raidsecrets, giving their own conclusions on-screen while you play, affects problem solving skills?
It’s the same thing as working out complex mathematical equations on an Apple laptop as opposed to using a super computer. With even 100 people watching your stream, which is incredibly low, the processing power of that 100 people researching sources amd feeding you real time information and new developments from other teams is 100 times more effiecient than a fire team of 3. If you can’t understand that then I dunno what to tell you
To each their own but I’d rather be playing the game and shooting bad guys with my friends than being a cog in some machine whose only purpose is to keep me from playing the meat of the game. Destiny isn’t a puzzler. Didn’t ask for puzzles don’t want puzzles.
I think you replied to the wrong person
So use their chat for ideas. Spitball it. Join Discords. Having manpower available != streamer.
I’m a 34 year old adult male and a single father. I work 70 hours a week. I don’t expect to, not have any desire to be, worlds first in anything video game related. I do, however, expect to have access to content that I’ve paid for, without having to wait for another player to unlock it first. I’m sorry. Maybe I just have totally warped mindset, but I really do find this method of releasing content to be utterly indefensible.
So do I (am I'm a 22-yo single male), which's why I wrote: [quote]The real issue is that 90% of the playerbase didn't want a problem-solving problem in the first place.[/quote] It's not worth my time. I don't like that they're trying to appease to the "BUNGIE I SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO FINISH ANYTHING THE FIRST WEEK REE" crowd. Trying to blame it on the streamer boogieman isn't useful though.