so bungie gives us quest steps to unlock forges and people complain. then they make an activity that needs to be done by 1 team and people complain. guess theres no winning
The first Quest was critizised for having little to do with Forges itself and lacking actual story connection. The 3rd forge Quest was critizised for being to long. This is now critizised for being impossible to participate. Its not even a puzzle, its a combat something abomination that is hard and requires 3 players with high skills. The tweet where they shamelesly advertise streamers for this just makes it worse.
sooo make it all available day 1 minute 1
It’s been 6 hrs of sweatiest sweats out there trying and they haven’t done it. Guaranteed there’s a locked exotic in this puzzle to.
even if theres an exotic at least u will have a toned down guide and vid on it