Right we did pay for it.... I hope no one figures it out and everyone rallies against bungie..... we are tired of not being able to play what we paid for. Plus it's probably going to be a long drawn out quest line with like 20 steps.... and we have been waiting since dec for final forge
Lol you COD kids are hillarious. Old school MMOers love this shit. Hand everything to me wahhhh
Show us on this doll where the mean Mr. COD touched you.
I ain't say hand it to me.... you know they aren't going to just let us walk into the forge we will have a long drawn out quest..... I was expecting to be playing the new forge right now since they already have my money.... so don't come for be dude
That's about the level of intelligence I'd expect. You have all the content you asked for. It's just not handed to you. Instead you get secrets and puzzles and it's awesome. Like I said, COD kids.
Lol I don't cod. I am not asking for a hand out.... I would just like to do the 20 something step quest to enter the forge and start forging not have to figure out a puzzle..... should have kept it like the other forges is all I'm saying.... never said hand me the forge
I believe the forge unlocks for everyone after the first completion, based on what bungie said on twitter
already know it’s gonna be some long stupid drawn out quest
Thats not gonna happen. If nobody can figure it Bungie will throw some hints 😀