Thankyou, someone who understands! You can't buff TTK without changing it dramatically. For instance, take a look at handcannons. The moderate rate of fire archetype kills most people with 1 headshot and 2 body shots. In other words, you will kill most people with 3 shots. If we buffed their TTK, the only way of doing that would be by reducing the number of shots it takes to kill someone. If the moderate rate of fire archetype handcannons killed in 2 body shots, they'd be incredibly OP. This would be even worse than the two-tap Thorn since it would kill people even faster than it. This doesn't just go for handcannons, it goes for every weapon. If you reduce TTK by reducing the number of shots it takes to kill someone, it makes all primaries incredibly OP. It lessens the skill gap, promotes poor gun play, and it doesn't promote counter play at all. If primary TTK is increased like this, it'd just come down to who saw who first.