The only people who could be one shot with an Incendiary throwing knife where the ones who run the lowest armour build. This was literally next to 0 people.
The thing I don't understand with Bungie trying to stop OHK with an Incendiary knife wasn't by nerfing the damage caused by the Incendiary knife, it was by reducing the base damage of knives over all.
You probably still can OHK with a throwing knife. Cammy cakes has an awesome video of killing enemies with more armor then the minimum from a throwing knife. He runs kephris sting for his gauntlets and he would sit and as he is about to go invisible throw the knife at an enemy walking around the corner. If you went invisible the knife would stack poison on top of fire and kill high armor enemies in one hit. Nice one cammycakes. Just go check him out he is by far probably one of the best players on destiny
Agility to the max.