You have a total right to fear a shoulder charge nerf. Bungie nerfed balanced throwing knives, so they will nerf another balanced melee if they want. Plus, now that sunsingers, nightstalkers and gunslingers are weaker, a lot of people can and likely will target titans for nerfs because they are now not as strong as before. Its also good to know even other class players are mad about this. I played some clash earlier on Gunslinger and you know how many knife kills I got? One and it was on a guy with half health and no shield.
Don't think I'm being sarcastic, but it really helps when people like you post your post-patch experiences. It helps the argument to gather momentum. Thanks for your post! 🙂
I actually want them to nerf juggernaut. That way shoulder charge should be left alone. Besides, juggernaut is actually a little [u]overpowered[/u]. Please Bungo, leev mai shaulder charge alown 🙃
How Bungie interprets: "What's that? I heard 'I actually want them to nerf *static* shoulder charge. Besides, *static* shoulder charge is *static* overpowered.' LETS NERF IT!!!"
The world needs more people like you.
The world needs more people like you.
If only, the world would be so much better...
People like you should just go find a new game to play!
Care to expand?