I don't run it with a set team either I just get randomly invited even at the tower and I still run and do better then you ever could your scared because you know trials is next level
And you don't read the forums do you ? Or even check weapon stats .... They are the meta guns
And you have 241 kills with queens breaker I'm sure that's what you really use I have 699 kills with the queens breaker
2000+ necrochams kills
So stop lying
[quote]I don't run it with a set team either I just get randomly invited even at the tower and I still run and do better then you ever could your scared because you know trials is next level And you don't read the forums do you ? Or even check weapon stats .... They are the meta guns And you have 241 kills with queens breaker I'm sure that's what you really use I have 699 kills with the queens breaker 2000+ necrochams kills So stop lying[/quote] I was only able to obtain Queenbreaker's recently as U was only able to get two Ciphers during down. Also, you talk about Necrochasm kills when part of those could be in PvE while all my QBB kills are from PvP. And meta weapons? Necro plays almost exactly like Doctrine does. Good job being a dumbass. LOL Also, I've been Flawless first week of Y1 and of Y2. :) I also went Flawless quite a few times in Y1 without being carried so please do tell me how scared I am. I simply lost interest in a game mode that feels boring to me.