This is exactly why Rift needs some tweaks. Bungie needs to let the spark spawn in a different place every time. Limit it to four or five but this will help tremendously against the 'camp the spark' strat.
Also if the same person (maybe even same team) consecutively grab the spark, increase the time to pick it up with a second each time.
If it spawns in different locations the distance to the rift will change, unless it's a few locations that are equal distance from each rift. Take banner fall for example, it would work if the spark spawns near the tree heavy, near the inside planter heavy and it's current point. Anywhere else creates an inherent disadvantage to the team it spawns closest to. Imagine it spawns inside the alpha building.. takes a runner 2 blinks to slam.
Or less special ammo. I played on Bannerfall and there were people camping the rift from two different spots the WHOLE match.