It only needs the following to be changed:
Take a rad bit if armor off. Only enough to make titans feel like they need to be a little bit more careful. Im naturally a defensive player, but i have noticed that im more of an offensive player and ive had some horrible matches as a result.
Reduce the super timer by, maximum, 2 and a half seconds. This will reduce the amount of hammers and the super will run down slightly faster without completely being useless.
For tracking: nothing, cause it -blam!-ing sucks. Id rather just not have it. Pve it works great! Pvp its like *lobs hammer no tracking* ".......well we're off to a good start here"
I would also say, make the health regen be a slightly slow but gradual thing instead of instant charge. This will also make titans being a little bit more careful during the super.
This is all the super needs. End of discussion
need 5 for totems 300+ know what to do add FluffyxKitty16
Ayy lmao 300 for totems you must be garbage
What??? Babbling sheep