[quote]You are certainly entitled to your opinion.
Agree to disagree.[/quote]
Wait, with that kind of reply, I'm confused. Does that mean Purchasers of HoWs still CAN participate in ToO or not? That's not an opinion, it's either true or it's not.
No one can play ToO right now. THAT is a fact.
It is still ENDGAME CONTENT aka it will move forward without you as it needs to be incentivized.
Edited by Black the Sun: 9/17/2015 5:38:28 PM[quote]It is still ENDGAME CONTENT aka it will move forward without you as it needs to be incentivized.[/quote] Just like VoG, CE, and PoE are moving forward without non-TTK buyers to incentivize them? Or are you saying they're not considered endgame content?
I believe the end game is always changing. It is what we work towards after level cap, so in that respect they are no longer the end game content unless at some point they decide to up them to current or future cap level.
I believe the end game is always changing. It is what we work towards after level cap, so in that respect they are no longer the end game content unless at some point they decide to up them to current or future cap level.
they should be able to, but sevearly out geared
The opinion lies with how you view it. I view things such as Iron Banner and ToO as features. Features that revolve around the latest gear and content not specifically something that was bought and have a right to forever and ever. Just like the Nightfall. The Nightfall takes the latest level-cap and content and then features it front and center. ToO does the same thing. Hence the agree to disagree.
Edited by Black the Sun: 9/16/2015 6:51:46 PM[quote]The opinion lies with how you view it. I view things such as Iron Banner and ToO as features. Features that revolve around the latest gear and content not specifically something that was bought and have a right to forever and ever. Just like the Nightfall. The Nightfall takes the latest level-cap and content and then features it front and center. ToO does the same thing. Hence the agree to disagree.[/quote] Nowhere in this response did I receive my answer. "The opinion lies with how you view it" You don't say. But I didn't come here asking for opinions, and if you're going to chock this whole thing up to "agree to disagree", your titled thread is a tad misleading to those who actually have real concerns over whether or not they can still play the same content they had pre-TTK.
You can, and are playing the same content pre-TTK. You still have the same strikes, missions and etc. What you DON'T have is the level high enough to reach the new, TTK, end game content. That level cap and content is in TTK.
Edited by Black the Sun: 9/17/2015 5:20:18 PMSo this means non-TTK buyers can still play the Nightfall strike in non-TTK strikes?
The nightfall is level capped. It's not a mission itself. It's an endgame playlist. You can't reach the required level, you can't pay the playlist. It's not that hard. Just like players that didn't buy ANY DLC couldn't play the nightfall or heroic playlist after TDB or HoW.
Ah alright, so ToO still is in fact available to HoW purchasers as it is advertised as half of its endgame content. Thanks for the clarification to all non-TTK buyers.
ToO isn't available to ANYONE. It's also an endgame content playlist. Please learn to understand English better. Or learn to troll better. Either one works.
Why wouldn't ToO be available to anyone? "The nightfall is level capped. It's not a mission itself. It's an endgame playlist." Here you argue it's not available because it's an endgame playlist. Yet when it's rightfully applied to the justification of HoWs buyers too, you go into a fit of rage that resorts to name calling.
[quote]You can, and are playing the same content pre-TTK. You still have the same strikes, missions and etc. What you DON'T have is the level high enough to reach the new, TTK, end game content. That level cap and content is in TTK.[/quote] Didn't you just say "You can't, that is a fact"?
What? You even quoted me. I said you still have ALL the maps, missions and etc from pre-TTK. The only thing that changed was the end game playlists. You don't have ability to teach the new endgame level, therefore the endgame content.
Edited by Black the Sun: 9/17/2015 5:26:31 PMWhy yes, yes I did quote you. You said "no one can play ToO, that is a fact", then later said you can, hence the quote.
No you cannot play ToO if you don't possess TTK. As I said however it depends on how you view ToO. I view it as a feature that features the latest content, but not being content itself.
Idk if you understand what content is vs a feature Content is ToO A feature would be a special playlist for specifically ToO that would only be available for TTKiddos but leaves everything else to preTTK players Content is the car Feature is free satellite radio Content is a fish tank Feature is the fish
You got that backwards. Content is the location/gear etc Feature is ToO which takes that content and applies it. You still have all your ToO gear and you still got to use it. Except now ToO features new content. Content that you have not purchased.