whats relevant when the vanilla destiny was out there where no dlc's at all then when TDB came out you needed it in order to do the nightfalls/weekly/daily stuff when it was on the dlc mission/strike.. but obviously u dont remember that ... then you forget after every dlc so far this being the 3rd it has been the same... so why complain over something that has happened 3 times now? honestly... DONT PLAY DESTINY if you are going to wine and cry like a lil bitch.. simple brah
Oh my God. You're so stupid. Read the full thread. Dumass.
You should remove the stick from your ass before writing stuff.
^ A bit Hypocritical, don't you think?
You're just wrong Captain. If you want to play the full game, buy the full game. This is a fairly simple concept to grasp... Quit being a jack ass.
Describe full game to me please?
If you can't figure that out on your own bro, you got more than reasoning problems..
Why so salty chocolate balls dude?? I purchased the game, didn't I? And the dlcs. What full game you on about?
You're an idiot is what I'm on about I guess.
If you say so..