What a long boring post pointing out the obvious, and then somehow misinterpreting it. I don't play this game very much, I probably won't buy TTK... The fact is, I can no longer do the exciting and more challenging parts of the game. However you want to word this and compare to other games, this is a reduction in content for a lot of users.
I got bored of reading, but did you consider Iron Banner? Presumably non TTK players can no longer compete in this, or if they do try, will get eaten by level 40 players with higher attack and defense stats? If so, this is a further reduction in content.
Iron banner has always been like that. It didn't change, the level increased so you will do less damage and receive more if you go in underleveled. Never changed you just need end game content to you know, play end game activities.
Yeh, iron banner has always been like that. But this is the first new "part" to the game, or whatever you want to call it. It costs more. You can rant about how little $40 is to you, but that's irrelevant; it's the principle.
Didn't said $40 is little to me, I don't eat in fancy restaurants everyday. It was just an example of other things with roughly the same price. Like saying don't eat in MacDonald for a couple weeks to save for ttk.
You shouldn't ever eat in McDonalds because the meat is often from horrible kill factories where workers torture animals. But that's a different, far more important issue
I don't get how this is the first new part of the game? How and Tdb came before, with less content so it cost less. Sorry if I misunderstood that statement.
Yeh but the point is the new game costs quite a bit more, and ToO was a large part of the HoW. Now it's sh*te unless you buy the whole new game!
Well, I spend $40 going out for dinner in a nice place. And I will spend more time playing the game than eating a filet mignon so there's that.
Right, that's really interesting! Well done.
Haha the sarcasm is too strong.
Sorry, it was too strong... i'm British (and grumpy about the post TTK outcome for non TTK owners).
Well, bungie made a deal with Activision, that should've tell you something from the start. If Activision is involved expect a subscription fee, yearly releases or an Avalanche of dlc. Or a combination of the three