Have you never seen any stream ever half of the are streams for cancer the dads of destiny did a stream for cystic fibrosis. All the money went to the finding treatments you idiotic sack of potatoes.
It's a psychological grab for money same reason eBay has the option to donate. If people feel that their money's going to a cause they tend to give it up more freely. It also gets more subs. This streamer fights for cancer, his good person. There for we must throw money at them so we feel good also.
Can you even read? Brah.
English? Yes. Spanish? A bit. Idiot? No.
So do you have a point of view? Or just say random things, in hope that someone will understand. Bet your teachers took nerve meds!
My point of view is that you are saying idiotic things. That you are wrong. Because you are. You bet they took what?
So I'm wrong just because you say so? Are you 12?
Edited by Demagogue: 8/7/2015 12:05:33 AMI say you are wrong because you are. I am not.
Shut up Meg!