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originally posted in: LionHeart (RP)
7/9/2015 7:52:49 PM
[b]June Bellicose and Siris Burke enter the trhone room hall. The Princess, rather than being seated where she normally rules the valley greets June at the door with a backhanded smack. The crack of the slap makes the Aegises cringe.[/b] "What in the [i]bloody hell[/i] was that for?! Gahh!..." "Miss Bellicose, you have tested my patience far too much for the brief time you've been gone. There are members of the courts who would have you hung for desertion and matters of the like nature." "But, but... F-forgive me, Milady... I never should've stepped out of line." [b]Despite her personality, June's voice is found to be admirably sincere.[/b] "So then, the deed is done, Milady. Their fleet wasn't as crippled as we wanted to leave it, but Raime is no longer a threat. They've already dispatched messengers to negotiate a surrender." "Is that so? What of Luciana? She was the next in line for Guardsmenship: her input is most valued by me." "So long as we give her the means to work, she doesn't wish to be bothered. My men tell me she occasionally does some extracurricular gardening out by the gates. Other then that, she just keeps wor--" [b]Knock knock. Through the closed door a feminine and metallic voice can be heard.[/b] "Oh, heavens, he's back." "Time is short, my followers. Siris, rendezvous with Clarke in Nimbion; let us see what the Raimeans have to offer us." "At once, Milady." "June, travel to the shantytown that calls itself Old Perth Varcoe. You will be a most welcome sight, but we cannot afford to remain divided. And take care not to convey ill tidings." "Y-yes, Milady..." [b]The Chamion and The Violet Lady exit the throne room with an air of happiness and a bright imprint of the back of a hand, respectively. The Princess draws a long sigh to destress before she reseats herself on her throne.[/b] "You may enter."

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  • Well June, I wish to speak with you

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  • [spoiler]June left bruh.[/spoiler]

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  • Tell her an old friend wishes to speak

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  • Edited by Devious_Melons: 7/10/2015 9:12:26 PM
    [b]a hoplite opens a door Lego walks in his business suit [/b] Lovely day milady

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  • [b][i]Ca-chak.[/i][/b] [i]Click. Click. Click. Click.[/i] [i]"Milad-"[/i] [b]He notices June walking out. He clicks and growls in fury as static courses through the ground, and travels up her legs, paralyzing her. The usual blue halo forms into a set of orange, semi-transparent horns, and the lights on his body turn a dim orange. He speaks. His voice is different— deep and bone-chilling, as if it was never meant to be heard by human ears.[/b] [b][i][u]"YOU. YOU WILL STAY. AND AFTERWARDS, I WILL HAVE A WORD WITH YOU... ALONE."[/u][/i][/b]

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  • Edited by The Monarchy: 7/10/2015 1:01:10 AM
    [b]A satin glove glows from the hand on the throne. A swift gesture into the air illuminates the room in a golden flash, and sweet silence blankets the room.[/b] [i]No...[/i] [b]Avelyn Hartwick, Daughter of the King, The Orphan Heiress, stands and steps from her throne. [/b] [i]She will not.[/i]

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  • [b]He glares towards you, and with a roar, darkness envelopes the room once more. [i][u]"YOU. STAY OUT OF THIS. THESE ARE MATTERS OF THE COUNCIL."[/u][/i][/b]

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  • Edited by The Monarchy: 7/10/2015 1:13:23 AM
    [b]The room is struck with awe as she stomps her foot down, a mighty voice echoing from deep within her.[/b] [i]SILENCE. This is MY court and you will do well to conduct yourself!! The pitiful matters of your own misdeeds and mistakes do NOT concern me in the slightest, ambassador. So LISTEN, or you will beg the inevitable embrace of death to take you now.[/i] [b]Something churns inside you: not fear, but fear would not be far from accurate. The others you looked down upon, the queen you once served: they pale in comparison. This child of Gods is truly something more.[/b]

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  • [b]His circuits quickly dispel this "fear," logging it for later analysis. [i][u]"YOUR COURT, IN OUR TERRITORY. REALM 74746834237-12 Beta-5 IS ALLIANCE TERRITORY. YOU WOULD DO BEST TO REMEMBER THAT." "I HAVE LOST ENOUGH BACKBONE TO THAT DESERTING WITCH. I DO NOT INTEND TO LOSE ANYMORE. IS THAT CLEAR?"[/u][/i][/b]

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  • Edited by The Monarchy: 7/10/2015 1:56:34 AM
    [b]With zero tolaration, the Princess aparates down to you in spite of your remarks. With a silky hand, flawless and beautiful, she backands your jaw with no restraint. The contact makes a smack so loud, the Aegises, who dare not shift from their posts, cringe at the sound. She readjusts to her normal stance, save for a fire in her eyes. As you turn back, furious of this lashing out, you discover your jaw was dented from the force. Her hand, on the contrary, remained unscathed.[/b] [i]I am NOT anyone's property! The cardboard shantytown you oversaw in the past was nothing more than rubbish, falsity, blasphemy! Here, this is my domain. HERE, this is my provision! I am Lord and God, and by this right, do I rule as I please! You and Miss Bellicose have as much authority as the slaves who haul our freight and serve our people: Your opinion is worth less than the ground you tread in coming here. YOU OWN NOTHING BUT THE HUMILITY YOU HAVE YET TO LEARN!!! Do I make myself clear, AMBASSADOR???[/i]

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  • [b]The metal sizzles back into place. He chuckles, and lets out booming laughter. Scorch marks appear in the floor, zipping towards the throne at blinding speeds. They converge all at once, and a pillar of fire engulfs the ornamental seat, searing it almost beyond repair. [i][u]"I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR THRONE, NOR YOUR CITY. BUT THE COUNCIL DOES, AND YOU WOULD BE WISE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SUCH MERCY WHILE IT RETAINS ITS SHELF LIFE."[/u][/i][/b]

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  • [b]The Princess remains silent, as is her response to insubordination. She turns around, and walks back to her dissolved throne. in turning around, her dress waves through the air, caught by the stagnant air, and in the brief moment the remains of her seat were obscured, the throne was restored anew. She sits back in her chair, pondering what move to take.[/b] [i]Then leave. If you have no concern, then you do not belong. All ties to whatever this council and alliance you speak of were severed the moment this lack of civilized behavior began. Go back to your alliance and tell them you failed yet again, and when they ask why, tell them that it was your arrogance and pride that led to your undoing.[/i] [b]The Aegises grab you with astounding force, and escort you out of the city. You no longer belong here.[/b]

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  • Edited by Wretched Cain: 7/10/2015 3:04:25 AM
    [b]A thunderous echo booms across the city, and the Aegises halt in their tracks. Cain's halo and lights are restored, and he chuckles, voice once again calm and regal.[/b] [i]"Then let the record stand: the Queen pleads guilty to all charges. I'll leave of my own accord... It seems you have bigger problems."[/i] [b]He turns and walks out the door, laughing.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Is this for me?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]yup[/spoiler]

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  • *knocks on the door*

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  • [spoiler]Lol not you[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Reborn Salazar: 7/9/2015 8:46:09 PM

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  • *A chaotic presence is felt, yet nothing is seem*

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  • [spoiler]you gonna do this every damn time?[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by AgentMizzmo: 7/9/2015 8:40:56 PM
    [spoiler]It's not Kyle. Apophis is leaving whole Kyle sleeps and spying on people. [/spoiler]

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