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Edited by The Monarchy: 9/5/2015 10:34:59 PM

LionHeart (RP)

[u][b]Status: OPEN[/b][/u] [i]"There is no higher power than one's own imagination, save for their will. If you desire something, you can imagine it. If you imagine something, you can find ways to make it a reality. It's that strength found within yourself and yourself alone that will give you purpose. In the world, life is always starting and ending, but purpose, unfortunately can rarely be found. Give yourself a voice and a pen: you are the protagonist of your own story. So get the girl or save the day. Make people feel wonderful or cast them down. Do whatever it takes to make your story one that people will enjoy until the end of time: you only have one chance to write it well. Be a hero. Be a LionHeart." [/i] [b][u]Origins:[/u][/b] [spoiler][quote]In terms of story origins, LionHeart RP is loosely based on a novel I am writing. I'll include a link to the rough drafts I post for suggestions when I can. The finished product will posted on WattPad, chapter by chapter. Feel free to give me suggestions, comments, questions, etc.: my WattPad name is TheTrueMarauder.[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Land:[/u][/b] [spoiler]There are three cities that make up the entirety of Taeda Vale: Cataluna, New Raleigh, and Perth Hampston. [quote]Cataluna:[/quote] [quote]New Raleigh:[/quote] [quote]Perth Hampston:[/quote][/spoiler] [u][b]Progression:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you will find the current status and events of Taeda Vale, such as Plot/User character relations, boss statuses, and other important notices.[/spoiler] [u][b]Factions:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you can check the status and mission statements of all factions within LionHeart. There are three base factions that intertwine with the plot: The Monarchy, The Insurrection, and The Residence. Users can create their own division within a faction, so long as they meet requirements. [quote]Current Factions:[/quote] [quote]Division Creation Tutorial:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Biographies:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you will find information regarding the main characters of this story. Links to their biographies and images will be posted in due time. [quote]User Characters (That's you!):[/quote] [quote]Monarchy Characters:[/quote] [quote]Insurrection Characters:[/quote] [quote]Residence Characters:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Map:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you can check the thread's world map for geography references, points of interest, and current influences over the three main regions. [quote]Map:[/quote] [quote]Current faction influences: Cataluna - TBD New Raleigh - TBD Perth Hampston - TBD[/quote][/spoiler] [b]Rules are the same as any other thread. You get what you put into this, and sometimes, that may not be enough. This land will be forever changed by your actions, so be wary of what you do or say. Welcome to Taeda Vale: Valley of the torch.[/b]
#LionHeart #fexil

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  • [b]totally dominates the entire region [/b]

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  • [b]the kithiri have successfully secured the kingdom, general Akaanir takes control as he sits with one man who had connections to the loyalty but was spared. He drinks some sort of herbal tea[/b] It tastes great with this planets water, this place looks lively. [b]the man takes breaks after each sip, like its spicy[/b] The people may be resentful, just don't go full dictator on them. We humans don't take to kindly to enslavement. [b]the general replies[/b] Ofcourse not, i take orders the leaders council and The GFMY. Besides they're like spacer humans like you. [b]he is slightly complemented[/b] Well thanks, I've went though multiple iterations... [b]the general eyes widen[/b] Multiple iterations? [b]the man gets defensive[/b] I said to much! [b]the general starts laughing[/b] Haha, i already know your secret... Lego. [b]Lego finishes his tea[/b] Well the whispers spread quickly in the Galactic union, or did you talk to a few dojo members? [b]the general and lego start to leave[/b] No, oh and another thing. You can now send assets from the core to here a lot easier, [b]he turns to the general at the door.[/b] Thanks, i appreciate it.

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  • Necro

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    • [b][b]meanwhile in reality The kithiri legions move out and takeover the coast and start to drive the loyalists into the mountains[/b][/b]

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    • [b]uploads matrix copy of the land and waits for sleek [/b]

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      • [b]the kithiri K'tair legion move in and invade Perth Hamilton[/b]

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      • [b]some one is sneaking into the palace[/b]

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      • Bump

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      • [i]Me and Ryder appear inside the Forest, silently. Stalking the trees, silenced pistols in our hands. We look around for signs of one person. I come across the area. Flashes of memory cloud my mind. Remnants of Apophis. I recall a fight with beasts. Hounds of Hell. I look around for one particular set of footprints. Though they would be months old, there would be a very, very faint trace.[/i] "Dad, who are you looking for?" [i]Ryder questions me. He doesn't know why I brought him here. [/i] Son, his name is Sebastian. He can give us a new purpose. "But what about Venom? It's back." Venom won't be the same. And... Well, it isn't for us. I don't want you to grow up like I did. I want you to be a good man. I've sinned. I can't be saved. But you can. [i]Ryder remains silent. We continue. [/i]

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      • Edited by Annihilation : 9/15/2015 3:11:38 AM
        [i][b]A man walks the streets of Perth Hampston, he's wearing black and red armor similar to the spartan Emile's. He wears his black hooded cloak with a Venom INC insignia torn and ripped flowing on his back. His dual 44. Magnums jiggling at his sides and his Compound Bow and quiver strapped on his back. [/b][/i] [i][b]He finds the nearest bar and sits at one of the counters. He orders a shot of whiskey.[/b][/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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        • *a girl in strange looking knight armor walks in the city* where am I?

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        • [i]The Predator walks into the city of Perth Hampston, walking into the closest bar possible and taking a seat in a corner of the room, being able to see all. He waits patiently for a server, or another living organism to accompany him on a quest to quench his thirst [/i]

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          • Bump

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          • Edited by AgentMizzmo: 9/11/2015 10:17:07 PM
            [b]Revelations[/b] [u]The Underworld[/u] [i]The Fates observe Kaleb Bryan, an interesting one. They spun his fate to be full of adventure and violence. They left the rest up to chance. But then, he had a son. They gave him a gift that a select few had ever received. A Second Life. [/i] [b]----------------------------------------------[/b] [i]The teen that had been surfacing around walked throughout Perth Hampton, observing the towns. His rifle on his back, and rare buds in, listening to music. [/i] [b]----------------------------------------------[/b] [i]I observed the town through my sniper scope. I was miles away, my M-200 Intervention easily able to cross that distance. My noticed his target, a man, wanted for murder. A small bounty, but it gave me something to do. My old armor fitting perfectly around me. I notice the man approaching a teenager, who seemed to have a hunting rifle on his back. [/i] [b]----------------------------------------------[/b] [i]The teen there's around, and takes his earbuds. A man had tapped his back. He ha said something about time. [/i] [b]----------------------------------------------[/b] [i]I see the teen's face and almost drop my rifle.[/i] Ryder? Impossible.... [i]I quickly sight in and chamber a round, zeroing in and doing the math. I pull the trigger, the biller beginning to fly. About 3 seconds until impact, just as the man began pulling a kukri knife. [/i] [b]----------------------------------------------[/b] [i]Ryder jumps back as the man's was explodes. His brains going all over the place. A man appears, wearing the armor most significantly associated with the mercenary Locus, he takes off his helmet and throws it to the side, revealing- [/i] "Dad!?" [i]Ryder gets engulfed in a monstrous hug, his father obviously tearing up, Ryder just sits, shocked.[/i] [b]----------------------------------------------[/b] [i]I'm tearing up. But I don't care, u thought I'd lost him. His disappearance in Elyisum was so abrupt. So sudden. I just now realized what the fates had done. I had my son back. [/i]

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            • [spoiler]Geel free to join whenever. This thread is very lenient and flexible with what is and isn't allowed, and it's very generalized. Give it a try and make some quests for your friends. I can't always be there. [/spoiler]

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            • *Shows up* [i]Can some one tell me where I can get some food?[/i]

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            • *In all three cities, a new cafe has opened!!!* The [i]Laughing Coffin[/i] is open for business!!!

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              • [b][u]Bitter | Outskirts of Perth Hampton [/u][/b] [i]What a cold cold night. So brisk, so snowy. Even for the temperate bay, it was rare for snow to form in Perth. But it was perfect. Perfect to see how much blood could be spilt before her enemies fell. Perfect to count the number of steps she'd take. It was all a picture perfect setting for her evening entertainment. The lady drew her estoc, brimming violet with a harrowing hum and hypnotic hue. She combed her beach blonde locks with her hand, adorned in an elbow-long satin manchette. A short skirt and high boots, fully ornamental, gave her the flexibility as any combat suit. But pride made a point: she had to look her best for this reunion. June Bellicose, the violet lady, stands with a grimace of anticipation by the gates of Perth Hampston.[/i] "Oh woe is me, and woe alas: it seems I just can't let this pass, I wish for combat, I want to fight, who will come and see me tonight?" [i]Her laugh is as pious and prideful as the day she entered this god-forsaken land. [/i] [spoiler]WELCOME BACK BITCHES![/spoiler]

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                • Edited by H3ADSH0T DUDE: 9/7/2015 11:56:27 PM
                  "Hm... I remember when this once Perth Varcoe. All the things that have happened like the Rebellion, Wilson nuking the place, the Marauders regaining control as well. But now, I don't believe there's much else to say." [b]Headshot speaks to himself as he stands upon the grounds of Perth Hampton, Not much for him to do, he roams around with the Spartan IV fireteam he was assigned to train.[/b] Revenant: You seem to know a bit about this place... "Yes I did. That was before the fall of course." Polter: Will you tell us anything? "In time, but for now allow all of us to adjust to this, especially you guys."

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                • Edited by Ex PI: 9/7/2015 1:40:16 PM
                  [b]The Scarlet Plains, East of the mountains.[/b] A massive fleet of navy-blue spaceships breaks through the cloud cover and slowly begin dropping several prefab buildings, from which automated drones and construction workers spill. In a few hours, a humongous base has been constructed, including a fully functional flight line and a drydock for three of the ships, which seem damaged. As soon as the craft touch down, troops, tanks, trucks, and other miscellaneous items spill from their cargo ramps. After some quick repairs, the ships lift off once more, whole again, and warp outsystem to join their fellows.

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                • [quote] Welcome to Taeda Vale: Valley of the touch[/b][/quote] [spoiler]Damn it brain....[/spoiler]

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                • *logan walks through the streets with flame beside him in her unpure form(basically she looks like a normal hellhound with all the gore)**humming this song to himself*

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                • *Buildings are done, and are now the interiors are getting decorated*

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                • [i]A lone shadowy figure stands atop a roof, cloak blowing in the wind. It seems to be looking over the city, over the Monarchy's progress.[/i]

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                  • [i]Please... Help us... Save us... Just... Try...[/i] My name is Felix Matruo, and I am a traitor. I stole the heart of my love. I slaughtered countless foes of mine, all in he name of peace. I was a villain and an enemy of mankind. I realize now my actions have done irreparable harm. I can only hope to atone through diligence and honesty. I see now the truth behind these shadowy veils of what I was led to believe was love... Long live the Monarchy. Long live the princess. [i]Death to the villains of mankind.[/i]

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                    • [spoiler]...Funniest part of this... I have that same picture in the OP saved to my "Fantasy Landscape" folder. XD[/spoiler]

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