Playing video games is a job? If you grew up in a 3rd world country, you would not be saying such things.
It's working to make money, of course it's a job. Streaming isn't just sitting on your butt playing video games. If it was that easy everyone would do it. And why would you even mention third world countries? They don't have enormous corporations with CEO's that make tons of money, but you wouldn't say that CEO's don't have a "real job."
You're -blam!-ed bud, I work in the oil patch (I've seen Co-workers die) and if you compared a streamers job to mine in anyway I'd -blam!- you right up given the opportunity.
What? People have to do real work in a third world country. Farming crafting and building. Not moving joysticks.
How hard is it to play a video game lol