What do you expect when you put a weapon with poison effect into Crucible plus making it a hand cannon. Its suppose to be strong. No Nerf if you're annoyed by it just get on and you'll change your mind. The exotic bounty was hard enough so you should be rewarded with something strong. Pocket Infinity is an example of what Thorn could be become. Terrible. Give pocket infinity 5 rounds in a mag and it might comeback
Git gud scrub
Rpg's work around hard work for better gear. Same principle in Destiny
The bounty is easy AF
Its not about how hard it is, its about how tedious it is.
But it isn't that tedious.... You can do it in a few hours
Here let me ask...are you for or against Thorn?
The bounty isn't hard and the gun is probably one of the best or op in the game. It should be a world drop now since it was mediocre before it was buffed through the atmosphere. Instead a bunch of scrubs can just do bounties and get the exotic bounty.
Its a lvl 26 bounty 28 maybe..