I think you presume a lot my friend. Thorn needs to be rebalanced same as auto's needed rebalancing. Bungie will constantly try and balance pvp as it's one of their design principles. They ultimately go off stats to determine balance more than anything else. Let's face it the majority of people are using thorn in pvp, bungie doesn't want that so they will change it.
I do agree with you on that people will bitch and moan about anything and everything though. Sadly that's human nature.
Yea problem is you nerf thorn, people will find the next best thing OP to hoard in PVP and then that will demand a nerf and so on! Its so pathetic each day draws me closer and closer to just all out giving up on this game. However its the closest thing next gen players have for Halo so ill have to grind it out until halo 5 i guess
I understand where you're coming from man. And as a first gen halo player I feel your pain. I would like a balanced fun pvp though and think that bungie will get there eventually but there will be pain along the way. Remember the dual needlers in halo 2? They were op but so much fun.
Aww man do i remember, I fricken hated em! but i would never consider crying to bungie to change it. How about plasma pistol + BR.......OP AS HELL OR BXR...man those were the days of some good ass competitive FPS play, sniper spawns, energy sword, Rockets......Halo2/3 is life! Bungie I know you still have it in you please prove everyone on here wrong with The Taken King
And not forgetting the maps! Valhalla, enough said. But each version of halo had a well balanced pvp, they controlled the balance right up to reach. With more variables the harder it is to balance everything. In halo everyone had their preferred options, we had choice. I used to love taking on a warthog, I'd stalk them, run straight at them, jump and put a sticky on the drivers head to blind them and get a nice double kill. The big danger is that we remember the whole evolution of the halo series. Destiny hasn't even been out a year yet so bungie have a short period to balance things out. Not even to mention the different gaming generations and their own set of needd and demands. There's roughly three generations of gamers to satisfy. I think they'll get there and I'm looking forward to 1.5:Comet. There'll prob be a counter thorn gun and an exotic heavy with more dps than the ghally.
Awwww man the maps! Beautiful and balanced and who didn't love the occasional super bounce! I think another problem is our expectations. We've played the halos and we want an experience like that which is new and fresh and it's clearly not possible to satisfy both. Plus adding in other mechanics has definitely altered the halo experience like Spartan abilities....so dumb. The harsh reality is we'll never again experience a multiplayer experience like halo and I truly feel bad for the newer generation of gamers who will never got the chance. Instead bungie and other game developers will continue to cater to the new gaming generations because it makes sense, they're still young and upcoming and the halo players like us are getting old and there's no money in satisfying gamers who's lifespan of playing is limited to a couple more years. It's the sad truth and it sucks, let's see how halo 5 turns out hopefully bungie stays away from the Xp Progression system and implements playlist rankings like halo 2/3 did
Also, music WAS better in our day.
Exactly and totally agree man. I think halo 4 was the first shift towards satisfying the young 'uns with its cod-ifying. They even changed the grunts to be more gritty and pvp was just silly. Halo 5 looks like traditional halo but I have no faith in 343. I'll give it a go though but not on release. Until then I'm comitted to destiny as it's the closest to reach that I have. And it can only get better right?
Haha i agree completely Im hoping Halo 5 is brings back the mechanics from Halo 2/3 however it is 343 and Halo 4 was pretty much a garbage call of duty wannabe with a decent storyline....yea were basically screwed And thats why I play destiny mainly pvp, Its an exact replica of halo pvp with a few obvious differences but its the closest we got to retro halo plus the sniping is exactly the same and i freaking love halo sniping!