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6/4/2015 5:49:38 PM
As someone who has Thorn but doesn't use it, here are my thoughts: It's actually a hard gun to use! It doesn't have as high a target acquisition as other HCs (at least from my experience), so kudos to those who are good at getting those headshots and 2-hit kills. However, the guys who just spam bullets and hope they land a shot are really annoying. And it's obvious which kind they are when you're facing them. Here are some adjustments that could be made to lower the prevalence of the latter: Too much range - even with the previous nerf that increased the drop-off damage of HC's, Thorn is still a sniper. Especially with its increased range perk. Burn damage postmortem - I think it's retarded that if I win a shootout against a Thorn-user, that I should pay the price. I clearly won the shootout, why should he get a kill? This is a suggestion that I have heard in the past and I'm echoing it here. I think the the [b]burn damage from Thorn should die with the player wielding it.[/b] Now I understand that there are other abilities that carry-on even after death (grenades, supers, etc), but all of those are somewhat avoidable. If a Titan throws a lightning grenade while I kill him and I stay in its blast radius, I deserve to die! Same goes with a warlock vortex. But why do I deserve to die when the Thorn-user lost the shootout? The final suggestion, which plays into the previous complaints would be to have the Thorn damage only take effect after being shot more than once. (From an engineering perspective, I have no idea how to implement this, but I like the suggestion) This would prevent those who simply spam bullets across the map since they would actually have to aim and hit the person at least twice. If this were to work, I would say to ignore the postmortem comment above. I don't think Thorn should be completely removed as a competitive gun, so it would be one or the other. Personally, I prefer the 1st option, to eliminate the burn damage upon death of the wielder. Sorry for the long comment, clearly something I've kept bottled up! Lol

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