Lol my bad i don't mind ar's gettint a buff but I think it should be a gun by gun basis not all ar's get a huge buff you know what I mean. Look at the summoner if that gun got say a 5% buff it would wreck havoc to anything same way with suros. I think the high impact low rof should get maybe a 1-2% buff at max and the low impact high rof maybe a 5%;but if you gave everything 5% you would have only 1 to 3 ar's thar everyone uses.
they were nerfed based off impact, 2.5 was only the average number, suros saw something like 5 or 7%, forget off the top of my head. where the max rof guns got less than 2.5%. still a stupid way to balance the game and i agree with you 100% on that. there was only like 3-4 ARs that were really op. the rest were in a decent spot, even before the first nerf, because they traded off range or stability for the high rof or high impact.
Yeah and that's where bungie should do nerfs off a gun by gun basis instead of taking the lazy route they did with the ar nerf. The messenger from trials is a two shot burst to the head. And fires pretty damn fast. It seeks like their trying to make the time to kill faster for certain classes.