Why so you can spray and pray? auto rifles are fine as it is. Hell I was wrecking people in skirmish with necrocasm the other day I'll pull out my xuros today. My point is everyone wants xuros to be back to the god mode it was before it got nerfed and it shouldn't it was way to strong especially if you had a non upgraded one with that fire rate it was a tank.
First off, it's SUROS REGIME not "xuros" Second,i don't care if you were "wrecking with necrochasm" 99% agree that autos need a buff. They are absolute garbage in pve as well. Why don't you go play with some Nerf guns...OHWAIT! You don't need Nerf guns,you have destiny
Edited by Not2DayFrodo: 6/4/2015 11:08:24 AMIf your crying for an ar buff then you came from cod which is what half the problem in these forums is. Ar's are still lethal you have to be able to hit your headshots. .8 kd I just lolled.
Haha I've never played a call of duty game. And I bet you were one of those crying for a Nerf on autos because you got killed by them often (lol) and I rofl'd so hard when I saw you have three hunters,thus making your butthurt opinion invalid. If anything they should have nerfed hunters OP supers. By the way, k/d means nothing,especially in this game (oh and LOL @ you being a statfag)
I choose hunter because it fits my playstyle sorry I'd much rather have a jump that has mobility than be able to float making me a sitting duck for a target. As far as 3 hunters go I created the third just to off load special ammo synths from chest farming. Plus unlike most of the people on the forums destiny isn't my only hobby I work 60 hours a week plus a 3 hour commute everyday. Once we get the third subclass with the taken king and if the other classes have a "real jump" I'll be glad to make another class type. As far as hunters we have the weakest melees on gunslinger our throwing knifes don't one shot like other melees cough cough warlock titan we don't get a overshield so we can easily be taken out. if we are taking out in the animation the super is wasted not for warlocks or titans. The grenade don't chase me halfway across the map or two shot me with a lightning grenade. I never asked for a nerf on autos and I really didn't give a shit when they did I can adapt and use other weapons whether it be scouts pulse rifles or handcannons
LOL how about a tl;dr next time
Honestly though I'd like to play a couple games of rumble to show you what I mean I wasn't trying to be an ass just that you have to pick your battles psn:kawiniggin526