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5/30/2015 9:29:33 PM
You are going to suck at PvP at first, but if you constantly think "why did I die" and "what could I have done differently to not die in that situation" you'll get good very fast

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  • did it ever occur to you that some may not enjoy pvp at all and therefore simply lack motivation and drive? i swear, pvp players are the most ignorant gamers of all kinds, intentional or not. the simple fact that someone may not share your pleasure and art of making others "lose and feel miserable" seems so absurd to you that you won't even consider it before making an argument. no offense intended but it's always the same stuff coming from the pvp crowd. sure, doesn't help that bungie is trying like crazy to push ppl into their shitty crucible grindfest with more and more loot. you're left with no choice than to pvp for loot. do ppl still understand what fun is? not insulting others, making others miserable etc. but actually having fun? /endrant

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  • If your getting insulted by loosing maybe you should realize this is a video game.

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  • explain the difference please. the medium doesn't matter, it's still humans on both sides. wether they interact with each other by phone, videogame, shouting, punching, yelling.... it does not matter. insulting behavior is independent of any medium. if, to you, there is a difference it just goes to show that you do not realize you are playing with other human beings, just like yourself. not little computer ppl that disappear into nothingness if/when/after you turn off your console. there are many things in destiny's pvp that can be quite insulting and frustrating, especially if you do not want to pvp. good or bad is irrelevant if someone does not like it. but you pvp types automatically assume that person must be bad at it and don't hold back letting the world know about your "expert opinion". that's not just ignorant, it is in many cases outright insulting and unfortunately the most stereotypical behavior of destiny's pvp players. that mold fits almost all of them and they do not disappoint when it comes to proving it time and time again. of course there are also truely competitive players. my apologies to them, they are a very different crowd. respectful, helpfull, friendly.... nice ppl who value competition and sport. and guess what... playing with these folks is actually fun. unfortunately they're the 1% minority among the many that give them a bad rep. why do you think bungie is shoving so much loot up your collective pvp asses now? so ppl keep playing this shitty dumb grindfest. ffs, you can measure it by legendaries per hour now. the droprate is beyond insane. i got 6 or 7 legendary guns (couple very good ones even) going from 0 to rank 3 in iron banner yesterday. that's more than a pve player can hope to get in 2 weeks on a single char. oh, and 10 passage coins... yeah, the yellow thingies you can buy your way into the lighthouse with. oh and strange coins and motes and glimmer and............ get it? why try and force a mixup between pvp and pve? keep it seperate, with each having it's own kind of rewards. what's the point of all pvp rewards being pve focused? again, just to keep canon fodder playing. bungie needs to realize that destiny has 2,maybe even 3 kinds of players. they can not force them all into one happy family.

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  • Ha no chance I'm reading all that.

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  • i'm hurt :-(

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  • Did it ever occur to you that PvE is boring and repetitive? Destiny is obviously not just for pvp or just for PvE. I understand not wanting to play pvp but they obviously want to cater to both types of players.

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  • that is what they should do but they don't. since shortly after release bungie has tried hard to push pve players towards pvp. what's the point of making ppl grind to rank 5 in iron banner if they don't enjoy it? stats, marketing, target practise for those that do enjoy it. and then, of course, there is development cost. pvp maps are cheap compared to pve content, especially if you want it to not feel repetitive. so they take the easy route and just reward pvp so richly that you have no choice, really. and they're backed by the halo fanboys of course, no surprise there. and the tone and general pve vs pvp attitude on this forum shows it quite clearly. i wish ppl would be a bit more tolerant when it comes to preferences about how to play the game and what actvities to participate in. but i suppose intolerance and ignorance are kind of the nature of the beast, are they not? in a way they have to be important characteristics of a good pvp player, no? and just therein lies the innate hostility of the pvp mindset vs the pve mindset that has a very different view on the game and it's various mechanics. (sry for the lack of format, typing on my tablet)

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  • Watch a good player on a twitch stream and steal some of his strategies

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