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5/29/2015 3:40:11 AM
Firstly, I don't typically go off of writers anymore. Too many of them have presented falsified ideals for me to consider it integrity driven. All the same, I'll read the article to highlight what the growing concerns are of the writer. Scratch that. I don't watch video commentary anymore. Etheric light and obtaining it. Firstly. It is guaranteed. In PoE each week. The formula for anyone starting at level 30 with a Vog raid or a CE set or a combination of both: Get to 32 and by extension 34. 1. Go to the Tower and find which faction gear you like the most. It doesn't matter which. Crucible, Vanguard, DO, FWC, NM. Pick one and now look at the requirements for them. If you find yourself a PvE player? You might be more enticed with vanguard. Maybe you are a crucible player? Go with crucible or FWC. 2. Once a faction is chosen, buy their class items. They accomplish faction reward gains of armor or weapons AND accumulate quickly. 3. Complete all activities up to level 30 difficulty each week. In 2 weeks time? You will have an entire set of Light +36 gear guaranteed IF you did ALL the bounties for a given element 4 times a week AND accumulated a single Exotic Shard to upgrade a single exotic armor piece. Most likely? You will get multiple exotic shards from Xur alone. 4. At 31 1/2 AND 32, you gain access to 32 PoE with a much more valuable Armor Core drop and a +42 light armor piece. Whatever your exotic or otherwise piece was for that slot? Remove it and place your new armor in the slot. If you need teammates and lfg isn't working? Level 28 matchmaking, get two other 32's or even better a 33, and request their help. You will be very surprised at how many "Ok. Send an invite." you will get after a few matches. 5. At 33, you grab two others and complete the level 34 PoE. This isn't particularly hard because it nets you a guaranteed Ethic Light as a reward. Not a drop from the chest possibility. You do this for one week. At present... That's 2 +42 legendary armor via armor cores. 1 + 42 exotic for a single exotic shard drop in the helmet or boots section. And now the final piece of etheric light. You are now 34 after three weeks of playing 4 times a week. Sorry. There's nothing wrong with that formula. It's a game. Don't rush to the endgame content. I tell everyone the same thing: Bungie needs, at minimum, 3 months to build the next experience. In those 3 months you have basically three goals they set each time: 1. Achieve the maximum light level. 2. Complete all of the endgame content at least once for grimoire and rewards. 3. Enjoy the various activities you did before. Maybe you like hunting down treasure keys? My recommendation is don't. You don't want to have three characters with five slots of max special ammo. Trust me. Besides... it only gives you a 331 gun for HoW you still have to upgrade to 365. Forget it. That's what you want to hunt AFTER you've gone 9-0 with a team in Trials of Osiris, beaten Skolas' sorry kester to the moon where he met another wizard, and later this year beaten the HoW raid and prepared your inner guts that the next one is definitely going to be a very painful and scorching experience... because it's the Cabal one... I still get goosebumps thinking about that. The Cabal... raid... ehhhhhhhhhh... yeah.... those guys... one level higher then me with the health and damage bars they have just on patrol... oh yeah. The Wolves? You are cute and cuddly puppies compared to the possibilities of the Cabal hitting the field in a raid...

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