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5/28/2015 1:43:10 PM
You and me both. The only way I got to enjoy the PoE last night was the random matchmaking for the lvl 28 PoE. Even then, it gave me a JiP game, so I got in at Round 4. Between Rounds 4 & 5, I got to play for all of 20 minutes... Checked my phone again after that. Refreshed my post for a group, did some Vanguard bounties, checked my phone to find still nothing/no one had answered, ran a weekly heroic with two clan mates of mine, broached the idea with them (but like me they've got families and couldn't stay up much longer), checked my phone to see that still nothing had messaged me in three hours, knocked off one last Vanguard bounty and went to bed. Doesn't look like I'm going to be getting any Etheric Light any time even close to "soon"...

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  • I'm not even bothering logging in at this point until I find a group. I think part of the reason I can't get a group is that their is a fundamental flaw in the design philosophy of PoE. Raids were static and had checkpoints. By the second week of a raid the strategy was out there and the ability to practice it was there through check points. PoE is not static and the strategies are not able to be practiced due to no checkpoints. The new learning curve is just steep enough each week for players to have zero patience. 33's are now being excluded from 34 PoE at a much higher rate than 29's from HM VoG and 31's from HM CE.

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  • Well said.

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  • Edited by Vampire Nox: 5/28/2015 2:25:33 PM
    I cannot agree more. This is a spot on description of the current (and growing) situation/issue, and frankly I wish I could like this post more than once.

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  • 20% damage output reduction and 20% damage mitigation reduction creates a situation where skill can't save you. I don't care if your the Bruce Lee of Destiny, if a single hit puts your hp below zero and your damage is hampered to resemble a kitten gnawing an ankle you're still a liability and the weakest link of your group.

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  • Thusly, even if you have a Gjallarhorn, as a 33 I get booted and kicked from groups left and right, and that's only if they even message me back in the first place...

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  • Exactly, I refuse to advertise my gjallarhorn, which is probably hindering me even worse.

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  • I'm thinking the same thing. I mean, I've got the skill. I killed and passed through everything in the game before I ever got my first Gjallarhorn. But now I can't get into a group without one? Why even bother?

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  • Exactly. Only got my gjallarhorn last week and now it seems like if you don't listen 365 gjallarhorn in your LFG post you're s.o.l

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  • Not to mention that if you're a 33, then you're stuck in the perpetual "Catch 22". I need a group of people so that I can compete in the 34 PoE. I advertise my 365 Gjallarhorn, but also have to put down that I'm a 33. So; I need people to play the activity that gets me to 34, but because I'm [u]not[/u] a 34, no one will let me onto their team, which prevents me from having a chance at hitting 34. The elitism and arrogance that the base design of this DLC has promoted, and continues to promote is nauseating. This all on Bungie's shoulders as their shit-tier design for this DLC and the availability of Etheric Light has made a Caste System very much a reality in this game.

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  • If Bungie wants to artificially extend content fine so be it. I'll lower my playtime to 30 minutes at a time. I'll give other games my attention. Perhaps even forget about Destiny.

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