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5/27/2015 10:25:41 PM
I've made this point before ... RNG needs to be changed in game so the random part is modified a bit. How many times have you finished at the top of the leaderboard only to see the very worst player get the best gear drop? If I kill a dragon in Dragon Age, I get relevant loot to what I've just done. I get dragon stuff that I can take to a smith or other vendor and have forged into something really cool!!! If I complete nightfall in Destiny, the most common outcome is that I instantly shard every piece of crap that drops. Why isn't the reward more relevant to the activity??? I agree with OP. It is killing the drive to play. As I spent virtually all weekend grinding for treasure keys, I found ZERO!!! A friend on my fireteam received 11 keys during the same farming time. Why is that at all fair??? It kills the drive to play. I love Destiny. The actual gameplay mechanics and raids in particular are super fun. However, if I spend too much more time grinding grinding grinding only to be left empty handed I will eventually reach a breaking point and give up.

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  • Dude you don't HAVE to farm treasure keys. That's optional. You can run 28s and hit 2 chests at the end every time and increase your house of judgment rep. Farming for keys is NOT a necessity to play the arena. You don't need a key to enter. You just need a key to potentially get the big chest which has a small chance at dropping an exotic. It's ridiculous you're saying it's not "fair". Nothing is fair in life or gaming. People will have better gear. Better exotics. I wasn't clamoring for a higher gjallarhorn rate when I didn't have one. It's so ridiculous of you guys. You can play the arena without a treasure key. You just want an exotic or to open the chest because everyone else is. It's not that big of a deal considering that's RNG too. You MIGHT get something good. But if you don't are you then gonna make a post saying how the exotic rate of the chest should be 100% if you have a key?? No man. That's not the way this game was intended to be played. It seems you're playing for the best loot and not because you actually like the game. That's the problem.

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  • I know it is not necessary to play the arena. Everyone wants the best gear. I really enjoy playing the game, but it gets very frustrating when one farms and experiences a dust bowl level drought.

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  • You're missing the point. You can get keys from the end chests from running 28s which actually give you rep & vanguard rank.

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  • Haven't had one drop from that yet.

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  • Bro it's been 1 week and some days. It'll drop man.

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  • Treasure keys. Hahahaha. Biggest load of crap ive ever seen. It's basically forcing you to play a part of the game you don't want to. Destiny seems to find an area of the game that no one likes and forces you to play it di their decision to put it in the game looks like a good one. I'm betting that you'll be forced to play salvage at some point. If you got a key straight away, I'm guessing you'd quit patrol until you needed another? Am I right? You know it.

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  • You can get AT LEAST 3 per week per character without much effort...not that hard

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