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5/27/2015 4:10:09 PM
Like everything else in this game some are able to receive more than others randomly. I was soloing the nightfall last night thinking. "Really the only thing I need is the etheric light." And of course I got a shitty machine gun. One more nightfall left to do. Hopefully an etheric light will drop. There are many that post how "easy" it is to get. But what's not easy for all is having nothing to do in life except play destiny. Lots of us have jobs and last night was an example of the limited time for an average working player. 2 hours of play time maybe on a work night . The rest is preparing food, shopping, laundry, and making sure the house is in order. There's no way in hell I'll be able to upgrade my favorite armor/weapons in a short amount of time. I see players with 3 34's and I realize these are probably people with limited responsibility. That's fine. I just hope I'll still be interested in a couple weeks.

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  • Man WTF does having a job have to do with anything. It doesn't take 8 hours to get 1 etheric light. It's not like you don't know where it drops. Its a guarantee from the 34. It says it on the rewards. You play that for maybe an hour and you're done. Posts like this are asinine man. I don't understand. If you can only log on for a couple hours play the damn stuff that gives you guaranteed etheric light. Geez man.

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  • [quote]Man WTF does having a job have to do with anything.[/quote]Spoken like someone who has never had a job more complex than fast-food. Being a D-bag just for the sake of being a D-bag went out with guys like Andrew "Dice" Clay...

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  • Edited by 10000iqplays: 5/29/2015 4:47:14 PM
    I work from home asshole. For a search engine you probably use everyday and it pays more than your job. The problem with you and your post is you feel you're entitled to have things your way. Like I said if you're so busy then play another game. You're not gonna be compensated because you want things to happen in one week. You don't have a valid argument. And attacking people's livelihood on a forum because they don't agree with you is immature and childish. I doubt you even have a job. You're probably a kid yourself. I'm done here. Good luck with getting your etheric light in 13 hours. Genius.

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  • Bump this for complete accuracy. I'm right there with you, friend. Ten-hour per day job, wife that I greatly adore, two teenagers, plus all the responsibilities of running a household. I'm lucky if I get 2-3 hours per night, and some nights I just don't have time. Which is why I added in my OP (as you did in your post) that the "It's so EASY!!!!" threads are most often posted by some 13-16 year old who currently has 16 hours per day for the next three months to blow on Destiny (summer break from school). I don't have that luxury, and often i can only play long enough to fit in one (1) Nightfall. How am I supposed to fit in "do everything on all of your characters every week, scrub!! You'll get 34 in no time!!!" when I don't have those same 16 hours to grind this shit out? Which is why I think Bungie very much needs to drastically increase the availability of the Etheric Light.

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  • Man you sound completely irrational dude. Just because YOU don't have time to play they should increase etheric light drops BECAUSE YOU SAID SO? GTFOH dude. And to say that only kids are saying it's easy is even more ridiculous. I'm 25 & I have to do real world stuff just like everyone else. You're ridiculous. If you have so little time to play then log in. Do the 34 arena as a 33 then log off. If you don't have time to play then play a strike. You're not gonna get etheric light. You don't need it unless you're fighting higher level characters. That of which you apparently have no time to do so WTF are you even getting at??? This thread should be closed. Stop bumping your own thread. This is damn dumb.

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  • You are precisely what's wrong with this game.

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  • The adults I play this game with aren't always on. Three are full time Grad students with jobs, two are parents with wives and kids. My son plays between school and football practice and games when he's not doing chores or homework. The full time gamers in my clan have all partnered up, so getting help from them is difficult. The "it's easy" comments applies only to those with spare time. We did one nightfall and one 32 prison of elders. That's all we had time for. Don't get me wrong, the etheric light is there. It's obtainable. But it's not obtainable "easy". Easy when applied to time spent obtaining does not bode well for the working/school demographic. It applies only to destiny players who play destiny for hours on end every day. To put it into perspective we did (two) ToO matches. that's right 2. We were not in control of the time. With loading, and 5 round matches, two matches took an hour. If you do 8 and win flawlessly without the other team winning a single point, 3 hours at least grinding for an etheric light. If you add a 34 or 35 prison of elders and you're a super stud team that's another 2 hours with loading, game time, running back to the airlock. And 2 hours is giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're really really good. If you're average, add at least another hour or two. So the argument that it's "easy" is a matter of perspective. Easy as far as skill level? Or easy as a matter of "I got all the time I need to play?" Either way, getting etheric light takes more time than any other currency we've been offered thus far. That's just how it is. People took days off to play this. Which kind of gives you an idea of the commitment to time you have to invest to receive these "easy" rewards.

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  • Well said. +1

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