If this was actually a neutral forum with less Destiny fanboys then the poll would be the exact opposite.
Borderlands has
- Actual character development
- Actual storyline
- Infinitely better loot system
- Much more overall content
- Better NPCs
- Better voice acting
- Better backstory
- More storyline development
- Better DLC for less money
- Better overall co-op system
- Better boss fights with ACTUAL mechanics not just bullet sponges with names
- Better gun variety
- Better gun maker variety
- Better loot variety overall
- Better customization options
- Better skill trees
- Wider variety of ways to play
- Better community/developer interaction
- Better HUB to buy/sell
- Better merchant system
In basically every single category other than graphics and gunplay Borderlands simply outdoes Destiny.
And yes I know what the OP said. This is directed at those who skipped the OP or have tried to put down Borderlands
Movement is another thing destiny has over it. I love both games
I prefer the Borderlands system. But that is just me.