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4/29/2015 8:57:26 PM
See, here you go again, Axton can survive it. These are people, plain and simple. Radiation will kill people just the same regardless of who they are. If you want to compare it then you have to actually compare it. The perks are more powerful in borderlands, ok, I actually agree with you there. But the problem is, one game you can damage yourself and the other, not always. See where physics comes into play? Hell, if you want to be cheap, be honest, you are. Then a guardian could just hop in his ship and use the weapons that are clearly mounted on it and crush the enemy. Case closed. And while we are on it, yeah, vault hunters just got lucky. Thank you again for proving my point. And listen, you can keep saying what ever you want, it really doesn't matter. Borderlands has the dumbest characters in that universe, hell explosive is an element there, and if you had a brain you would realize what elements really are (chemistry anyone?) and that explosive is just a reaction rate. And also seeing we need to take in the entire universe into count here. We really don't know what the guardians really can do yet so your just gonna have to wait until destiny two come out to bring up the nuke again. Do you even know what the abilities were from borderlands one? There wasn't a conference call in that. Everything you have brought up about borderlands has been in #2. So while you type the next response I want you to do something. Listen very carefully or you might miss it, think about what you are writing, are you thinking? Good. Now think about this, you are arguing with me about a fantasy. Logic doesn't exist in fantasy, neither does reality. So you can come at me with what ever you want, it doesn't matter because you will still be wrong, because you didn't build both games so it's straight up opinion. Not fact jack. One thing you are forgetting is that in both universes, nobody dies. So there you have it, if this was really possible neither would win because neither could actually kill each other.

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