Good . Now you pussies can stop hiding in your little rock and join the fight.
Hunny hush !
Dont go there girlfriend
Mmhmm hhmmmm
Right cuz I'm sure you run down in the middle of all those major hob goblins with a triple burn on.....
So a sniper is a pussy? Lmfao
You are probably the worst PvEr that ever existed.
Lol thats what you think
Probably true though.
Whenever I sniped on the ketch everyone who didn't always gets rushed by Minotaurs and dies
Why put snipers in the game then?
You honestly think you're killing all those enemies when people are [b]on[/b] (not "in" ) the rock? Lmao!
So you soloed the whole thing without firing a shot and melee-ing everything? Ok, good, just checking. Because if you didn't, you're a scrub.
I'll do the strike how i want, why take damage when you can snipe
Could be practicing for the arena. I doubt there is going to be much long distance sniping
Yeah I agree. I see the arena as a big -blam!- you to everyone though. Probably little or no cover at all. "You like the rock in the lamps? How about a big empty room? Try hiding now." I'm concerned that they are so worried about cheese that they will wipe anything resembling strategy off the table. They are probably looking at nerfing the obsidian mind/ bad juju combo for the arena. Or the Titan bubble inception.
Becauze no one will find a s iprr cheese spot easily, or that there are no other areas to shot normally. Why tske he risk of dying when i can take my time and snipe
This right here ^