By doing what? Saving you from a threat far greater than myself?
*i grab a cup of tea from the table and sip it*
You seem to forget that, while I indeed spoiled myself by indulging in the ensuing turmoil, I have done you little else to be reprimanded for.
You have done what was not to be done, June. Pitting my family against each other, making them want to actually kill each other. Making some succeed. The choice is still yours. Would you acquire the armaments at the cost of my assistance to the other side? Every action does have its equal and opposite reaction, Queen.
And by this offer of yours, you will continue to let us fight and die. We of all people know BC could do immeasurable amounts of damage if he was given these weapons. We on the other hand require them, as our armies are still fractions of what they once were! do you really think your doing the right thing by supporting both sides? Because that's the equivalent of fence sitting in literature and writing.