The absolutely crippling netcode is killing the experience for me. I seriously don't understand how it can be so bad, because it is hands down the worst I've seen in a modern shooter, and more guilty of lag compensation than even Black Ops 2 was.
I wasn't sure if that was really the case at first. I seemed to get killed a lot by guys in red bars taking questionable amounts of TLW rounds to the face. Then, I found myself in red bars one evening... and I was untouchable. I was putting up 3.0+ KD every game without trying. Every shot from my Mythoclast was landing exactly where I aimed.
This seems to be incredibly random, as my connection is almost always very stable in any other game. But in Destiny, seriouss latency is just a constant crapshoot.
When I am on the GOOD side of the lag...I don't even shoot my game gun... I just point at the screen with my finger (you pick which one) and say bang...people drop dead right then....went 15 .0 K/D doing this.