so i start, i hate it when my idiot teammates take A on blindwatch, when we have fully establish B&C.why the -blam!- do you guys do this?
tactically speaking, THERE IS NO ADVANTAGES TO A FLAG!!!
it is in all purposes, a trap zone for teams that have C zone and a motivation for the A team zone to get C.i don't understand how you guys don't understand this.
post your rage here!
did not expect for this thread to get this popular, keep them coming.
Edited by XxHighlander75xX: 2/20/2015 12:36:42 PMLol I got a Void Radegasts Fury with 3 shell tube and clown cartridge so it will hold 4 rockets in one clip lololololol
Exotic primary everywhere
Edited by A Pineapple: 2/20/2015 5:53:06 PMI got gjallarhorn and 2 Radegahsts fury :)
EFFEN FUSIONS!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!&$@$!#!!!!!!!!!!$@$!!!$$!!!#!#!###++;++=#_!$$!!!!!!!!
To the kinderguardian randoms that I got stuck with all night...on blind watch.. STOP CAPPING A DAMN IT!!!! Never do this. Ever. No bueno.
No rage today I got gjallarhorn, the IB rocket launcher and 3 ships today :)
I play games where my team of randoms cap 2 flags and kill everything while protecting them collecting heavy as a team. Typically everyone does well with positive k/d. Then I have a team which either try to cap everything or nothing and walks right past the heavy when it spawns. Typically everyone does bad as there is no control over the map. I need to find a half decent team. First iron banner though and I'm enjoying.
Lag... Lag... [spoiler]And more lag...[/spoiler]
Edited by Wipeout: 2/20/2015 8:58:38 AMThorn and FoH
I was too good so I stopped playing
No one understands the concept of winning in control. You take 2 control points. 'B' and the one you spawn by. And that's it. You take them and you camp them. You don't go anywhere near the other one cause then the other team will spawn behind you. That's it. That's all it takes. The teams that do this are invincible. The teams that don't, (mine) lose. Every freaking game, they go for 'A' and 'C', or they move into the enemy spawn. I don't understand how you can be this stupid. Winning is easy, but people just don't seem to want to do it!
Efrideets Spear with final round.....
Seeing someone with 24 kills and no captures and wondering why...just play clash...
When you're lvl 31 and still get two shotted by a suros
Rage inducing this shit is.
Taking forever to complete headshot bounties, getting killed by fist of havoc (I swear most of the people on the other team were Titans), and Suros regime. Dying from Suros isn't really a rage thing but that gun is just insane.
Found Verdict
When you pump eight shotgun shells into somebody and they freaking don't die until they've ran halfway through a marathon
Edited by iLuvyy: 2/20/2015 5:50:00 AMWhen u have shitty ass players on your team 80% of the time and no matter how good you do you still lose!!
Lag, and that one player who thinks that capturing the third flag is a good idea.
laglag sucks
I don't have high expectations for my or my pickup team's play so I am pleasantly surprised when we win, and if we lose, happy if my K/D > 1 with a loss. I am starting to experience the heavy ammo greed though. Wait up!
When idiots of teammates instantly grab heavy even though no enemies are nearby Why, why u guys do dis Usually it results in a loss when people do it as well because the entire enemy team goes on heavy sprees
Idiot teammates that solo grab heavy ammo, when there aren't enemies near. You are the worst. This makes me wish there was friendly fire.