Name: Luminance (Hunter), Florescence (Warlock), Bright Essence (Titan)
Type: Exotic Helm (Designed differently for each Class)
Description: "Even in the darkest pit, all you need is a little light."
Design: Luminance designed like the Sojourn Cover, except glowing with light. Florescence similar to Light Beyond Nemesis, only instead of wings there is a calm flowing ray of light. Bright Essence looks like a typical Titan helm, only with light coming out of the helmet in a straight line down the middle with a similar effect of Helm of Inmost Light.
Attributes: Typical exotic stats
Initial Upgrades: Defense upgrades. Luminance lets you carry more special weapon ammo, Florescence lets you carry more primary ammo, Bright Essence lets you carry more heavy ammo.
Exotic Upgrade: You can equip 1 more exotic armor piece. That Exotic's abilities are increased 10%.
Awesome idea! Bump this up yo
This reminds me of the Class Items Eris gives you after completing her mission. All the same kind of look.
This seems to be a common want between the community. This isn't the first time this has been posted. I don't think they should buff the exotics but it's still a great idea.
Oh, oh well then. I thought it was original :/
Don't let that get you down. You came up with it before you saw it so it shows just how creative you are.