originally posted in:The Friends List
I usually do most of my gaming on console but since my wife has been playing Fallout on our XBox One I've been doing a little more gaming on my laptop. So I was hoping for some suggestions while the Steam winter sale is going on. I generally like offbeat or artistic games (Limbo, Portal, Bastion) but I'm open to suggestions. If you want to add me on Steam my username is Jaywalkas (big surprise for anyone who knows me).
I enjoyed Faster than Light.
Trine Trilogy may be something you'd like.
Edited by Friendlystu: 12/27/2015 10:28:19 PMOK then Banner Saga, Trine 1,2,3, transistor & Jotun All cheap on the steam winter sale check them out.
Id recommend AoE 2 HD Forgotten Empires, AoE 3 Complete, Civ 5 Complete, CS: GO. If your laptop is strong enough maybe Skyrim with some graphics mods, Witcher 3, Borderlands 1 Complete is probably relatively cheap, etc. I play on my laptop as well but I can't run the more powerful games so I usually stick to the first 3 games mentioned. However, all the games I've listed are very solid titles that are on sale during the Steam Winter Sale.
If your laptops powerful enough I would suggest are if you like survival games. DLC quest is a fun cheap game (platformer). Portal 2 is another good one.
You checked out [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/99465/65321715/0/0]this[/url] thread yet? Has a ton of people's steam names.