originally posted in:Round Table
Hey, guys. I just joined yesterday looking for some people to hit some high level strikes and raids with. I figured it's best to jump right in, and make a resource thread to help us out in finding good fireteams. Sozuh, my PSNID is A7X_Vengeance_, and I'm a level 25 Bladedancer with a focus on invisibility (it ended up being really good for support, who'd have thought?). I also have my mic at the ready, which may be useful for said PVE stuffs.
Lookin' forward to seeing you guys out on the field!
Denzelqq is my PlayStation id feel free to add me. We can do strikes or just hang out.
Hey all, same boat as Patt, looking for fire teams for strikes, though i'd be game for some crucible groups as well. Currently a lvl 23 sunsinger with a mic. PSN is karth_01