I am on most of the time my GT is same as my name
I'm usually on during the weekends, my GT is the same as my name
Hey I just started destiny and I was wondering if you could help me out since I'm only level 3
Enjoyed playing with you today! Sorry it was so hectic lots of things happened at the house at once
I'm open on Friday and Saturday for any mission... GT same as my name. Also if anyone wants to run Prison of Elders on Saturday I can do that. ; )
Hey I'll be on A lot on Friday hopefully and a lil each day hit me up on destiny go ahead and add me any who want to play gamer tag is MasterKad
Add "FaTaL h3aDsHoTs" that's my gamer tag. Me and a good friend of mine play often. Would love some more company
I should be on tomorrow, Thursday 5/21. Let's get together and run some bounties, nightfall, weekly heroic, daily story or whatever.