originally posted in:Destiny Reset
I'm a proud dad and passionate gamer.
I'm part of Destiny Dads Clan
I live in mountain time zone I'm a truck driver by profession so the times I'm usually on is 10am - 4pm when my wife is homeschooling my 5 year old with autism.
My gamertag is BigMikeBazil I'm willing to play anything from just doing daily bounties to raids when I'm in Destiny. Anyone on here send me a friend request and a message with Dads or Drp in it I'll add you. Thanks guys.
Welcome to the party!!!! I'm on xbox one Feel free to hit me up anytime.
Glad you wrote this bigMike. Add me akaMAnNYg. I'm also focusing on my PS4 right now but I'll fire up the Xbox soon enough. I've got 2 boys and a third set to arrive sometime today.
Welcome Big Mike! Feel free to add me on xbox one (joethemieden). I'm taking a little hiatus from Xbox with all the new stuff (I have both consoles and am starting on PS4). If you ever see me on, send me a message and we'll do activities!
Nice to meet you Big Mike. It great to see another dad join us, I have a 9yo, 7yo, and 2mo. I'm on MT too but i wait till the kids are in bed to play. If I get a chance to play during the day I ll look for you. GT:Big papa los