originally posted in:Destiny Reset
I have both level 32 worlock and titan I have never done a raide, trials of Osiris or Prison of elders 32 and higher. because I don't know anyone who plays this game I haven't been able to do this stuff, im not an excellent player but im not bad so I was hoping to find people to play with to level up more and have fun with
Edited by X breeze Z: 8/15/2015 5:20:15 PMHey buddy welcome,im on every day so if you see me on just jump in and we can run some stuff,sometimes I'm down as offline but I'm on every night,my gt is the same on xb1,look forward to playing with you mate,oh by the way in the uk so not sure if that fits with you but I'm sure we can sort something.
I m on most nights so add me an we can get a fireteam rolling to run through some of those amazing things you wanna try. GT: Big Papa Los. I d love to run through the Vault again and I m sure some our clan mates would too.
Hi Gaarax! Welcome to the group! Add joethemieden on XB1 and send me a message if you see me on. I'm on pretty frequently and like teaching the parts of the game you haven't seen yet (although I'm terrible at trials). People from here are pretty helpful and chill- hopefully you have a great time in our group :). Thanks for posting and introducing yourself!
Edited by Gaarax88: 8/15/2015 10:53:01 AM[quote]I have both level 32 worlock and titan I have never done a raide, trials of Osiris or Prison of elders 32 and higher. because I don't know anyone who plays this game I haven't been able to do this stuff, im not an excellent player but im not bad so I was hoping to find people to play with to level up more and have fun with[/quote] im on xb1