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  • Mission Statement

    In the Destiny Universe, there are many Brave and Powerful Guardians fighting against the Darkness...And then, there's us...nobis autem ad fratrem suum!!! Welcome to LionsGuard Prime!!! Our organization is composed of Divisions with their very own specialties to provide Guardians a selection of groups that fit their play style while pledging their allegiance under one Banner. Joining is a two step process, first, please apply under LionsGuard here, second, go to to be counted as part of our ranks within Bungie. You will not be accepted as part of the organization until the proper steps are taken. Once accepted, you can then apply under you preferred Division. This process is essential to getting a proper count on our members. "THE LAW OF THE JUNGLE DOES NOT APPLY TO THOSE WHO RULE IT." - Yzrael, LionsGuard Prime Commander

  • Membership

    555 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    10 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:LionsGuard Prime
2/13/2015 4:19:11 AM

Greetings From Your New Archon

As many of you are aware, I have been chosen as the 3rd Archon of LionsGuard. I am honored to have been given this title. At the same time, I am deeply saddened by how inactive our clan is. Knowing this fact, I will soon be issuing a clan-wide purge. If you are inactive, your division commander will remove you if you do not have a proper reason for being gone. I also realize that it is not just our members who are inactive. Some of our beloved commanders have also not been seen or heard from lately. Which is why before I issue a clan-wide purge, I will be conducting a thorough investigation of which commanders are inactive and their reasons for it. I understand many of you have jobs and lives outside of LionsGuard, but inactivity is a cancer that must be destroyed. I care more about the quality of our members than the quantity. Please be patient with me as I work with the council to fix our many kinks and restore LionsGuard to the greatness it once was. Thank you, and good hunting. LG Tripwire, LionsGuard 3rd Archon

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  • Hey I play on ps3. I have 3 characters lvl 29, 31, and 32. I would really like to join your clan and be able to play with some active guardians. I will send u a friend request tonight

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