The Ways Of The Wolf
"The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."
originally posted in:The Ways Of The Wolf
Simple question, we need to know who has the clan set as active and who doesn't.
I hope everyone is aware that people with the clan The Ways Of The Wolf [b][u]aka[/u][/b] TWOTW will be privileged to do TTK activities first. This applies to missions, strikes, raids and more.
Set the clan as active to be apart of official raid teams, strike associated teams and simply PvP teams. However, if you simply follow the clan (shown if TWOTW isn't under your name) you will [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] be apart of these privileges.
Currently, this clan is entirely social and we wish to change that. With the hope of new members introduced soon (arrangements still take place) this clan will become more popular with players.
As a result of this, your chances then of being apart of teams will be fewer should it not be active when we have more members.
Remember, stay active and you may be apart of teams should you set the clan as active. Please fill in the poll as instructed. Instructions to set your clan as active is another post :D