originally posted in:DoD Ronin
This is a place to share any videos of the clan "out in the wild," whether it be pvp or pve. Anything awesome, funny, or just something you're proud of goes here.
One of my very RARE crucible moments in Iron Banner to be pleased about - destroying an entire team going for heavy!
#clanup fun in Iron Banner 1/4/16 Exodus Blue Massacre Kadease RIVO_GRIMM Timcami Richardalexknox Praber31 NumberNinja76
Personal favourite match from Trials.
Finally got my Black Spindle! Thanks to RIVO_GRIMM and kibitzer76 for the help.
Some proof that TLW is still effective on small maps.
Same Raid just Oryx check point. Again big thanks to Ray Ray, Kadease, and RIVO.
Some DoD Ronin raiding from last night. Just the Daughters check point. Pretty flawless with two first-timers.
Edited by GreatTinker: 8/28/2015 11:27:37 PMJust as I was getting discouraged with PvP, something magical happened...space magic kungfuzombie13 NumberNinja76
Edited by TWIZZZ_2000: 8/1/2015 5:43:50 PMIron Banner match. At 13:30 I take out their entire team with a Nova Bomb. Purple Space Magic! TWIZTID1 sneekey bjmany GreatTinker superN_A_Ds gilcreasew
Having fun in Control
Here is my latest montage. Enjoy the music and kills.
Control match in burning shrine. 2 gutted medals. Bladedancer and Read Death FTW! Sneeekey SuperNADs
Reposting Kadease's video 'Sticky with a surprise' here for prosperity.
My favorite: Stuck a grenade on a titan who throws up a bubble a second later. Boom. Explosion. Overpowering.
Edited by Nønja: 7/5/2015 1:07:28 PMNova Bomb Denied jsbx7 TWIZDID1 leonardoiorio iamknox
Edited by Nønja: 7/5/2015 1:09:53 PMA frantic hunter trying to take our heavy ammo.... A little language at the end. GreatTinker TWIZTID1 sneeekey ChungstaNY Mike159
Edited by Nønja: 7/4/2015 5:53:26 PMIt started off crappy, but once I got MG ammo it was like shooting fish in a barrel. I just stood on B and the enemies just ran into my bullets. How lucky can someone with an average K/D of around 0.7 get? I think this was my highest K/D and Kills combo game to date.
Iron Banner Day 1, Game 1. Iron Wrath in the first game, not gonna complain. I would never normally use Word of Crota, but I have a Thorn bounty or two kicking around.
Difficulty grabbing a spirit bloom.
Two thorn bounties completed. Thanks ChungstaNY and RayRay
Tinker and the amazing bridge cheese
A clan that teabags together, stays together.... Here's a little clan fun while we waited for knox to show up.... So it was sneeeky who shoved me off the cliff and not kungfu! Teabag action at 0:50.
Knox Ray Ray Thunder Rich Tinker Draco
More carnage.
Iron banner
Edited by Nønja: 5/18/2015 4:24:04 PM4 man nova bomb.... too bad the other 2 weren't in the room. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.